The events of this afternoon began with the boys saying, "Mommy!!! The water is HARD!! Why????" Thus a perfectly unplanned homeschool moment surfaced. I'm all for hands-on learning, so I had to run with it, right?
We shattered ice across the driveway like broken glass, just to watch it melt in the sunshine.
Who would have thought ice could be so much fun!!! They played till their little fingers were completely numb.
We also crunched ice with a big stick found in the wood pile...
Then along came popaw with a present.....some trucks to play with. Perfect for loading ice. =)
So who guessed correctly on the water/ice?? No one, but Isaiah's mark was the closest!
And what was my little Levi doing through all of this, you ask?? Napping through much of it, but after he woke up, he was all smiles as usual! =)
you're a natural at homeschool!
aawww, thanks...whoever you are mr/mrs anonymous. LOL :P
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