Homeschooling is on the RISE....the number is increasing dramatically each year. People are choosing to homeschool for many different reasons, so I thought i'd share why WE have chosen this path for our family. =)
So why did we choose to homeschool? Why not? Up until a couple of hundred years ago, the public school system didnt even exist. As with everything else, we get looked at like we're crazy if we choose to do something that's outside the box. But I want our children's education to have roots in two things...God and family. These things are being lost.....lost to the hustle and bustle of "life"...lost more and more with each generation.
Our children will learn how to deal with the good, the bad, and the ugly of civilization, but it will be when they're mature enough to handle it. Right now, they just need to be kids. Their minds are not ready for the filth of this nation at such young ages....they shouldn't have to hear about the immoral behaviors taking place around them at the ripe old age of 8.
We decided that this is what's best for our family...does that mean we think everyone should homeschool or that we think less of those who don't? No, not at all! (although some people automatically take the defense when they find out we homeschool).
I love that I can weave bible truths and character training into nearly every lesson we do. I love that we can strive to keep God at the root of our learning. I love that we can simply TALK about God in our "school" and maybe even , *gasp* say a prayer mid-studies.
It makes me uncomfortable when people automatically assume I'm the most patient person in the world just because I homeschool.....I'm just as impatient as the next mama down the street. And I honestly believe that having children is just as much "character training" for US. Each day is a test for me...a test of my patience, a test of my priorities, a test of that God can give me the strength to deal with the 4 year old attitudes that are trying to chip away at me. We as mommies are being we deal with bad we deal with we deal with loved ones in our lives. And we are teaching them every single second that they are around us....and for us homeschooling mommies, that's ALL THE TIME! Talk about an overwhelming feeling! Some days are harder than others, but it's all worth it! Do I fail these tests??? Daily!!!! But I'm a work in progress.
I'm selfish. Time is fleeting. I want to be with my children as much as possible. Our children are small for such a short time.....I don't want to give up my time to some teacher, no matter how great he/she may be. These are my children and I'm confident that the good Lord will give me everything I need to educate them and enstill a love of learning. Sure, I need my breaks just like everyone else. And yes, I have a stack of projects a mile-high that could be accomplished in no time if I had a few free hours every day. But I do not like the idea of sending my kids to school for the day, working on homework for hours, doing bathtime, bedtime routines, and BLINK, time's up. Do it all again tomorrow....that just isn't enough time for me to bond with my kids. I WANT MORE!! I want to have my morning snuggles. I want to teach them responsibility with chores with time left over for more fun stuff. I want them to help eachother learn a new idea/concept. I want to see their lightbulb moments when they finally get it.
I want to tailor their education to their interests. It's a proven fact that we learn best (and retain) when we're learning about something we're interested in. If they become obsessed with frogs, I can tailor their science, math, reading, english, and handwriting lessons to something pertaining to frogs. I don't have to fit their love for frogs (or whatever interest it may be at the time) into weekends or the short amount of time during the week that they're not either eating, bathing, spending time with the family, or doing homework. I wonder if this whole concept of tailoring education to interests is why there are so many homeschooled kids who grow up to become entrepreneurs?
I love the flexibility. There's no alarm clock in the mornings...the kids sleep as late as they want ( cut-off is 930 but they usually start waking around 800'ish). We're not bound to vacations during peek seasons. We can have shorter homeschool days and school all year IF we choose to (who can stand to play outside when it's 90+ degrees outside anyway). I like the idea of a continuous education and not having to spend time reviewing from 3 months "off". We haven't decided what our schooling timeframe will be, but at this point, I'm definitely leaning towards schooling all year. If we want to schedule a playdate in the middle of the week with other kiddos (obviously homeschoolers, otherwise they wouldn't be available midday) we can just not do school that day. There's no need for a rigid structure. We can do it all in the morning or do some of it in the evening with daddy. Learning doesnt have to take place behind a desk for hours and hours....It doesn't take 7 or 8 hours of "schooling" to cover all of the needed information. A couple hours and you're done. The rest of the day can be spent exploring interests. I keep hearing of the hours of homework that my friends' kids are coming home with these days.....and I cannot imagine having to spend "my time" with "my children" doing all of that homework after having them away from me all day!!!
I want to teach my kids in whatever style they learn best. I don't want them stuck in the know, the public school system mold of how "most kids" learn best. Sure, they try to tap into all sorts of learning styles, but if you're excelling in one area and a little slow in another you're out of luck. At home, extra attention can be given to the problem areas to get caught up. And if you need to go up a grade-level to be challenged, then go for it. I want my kids to have a custom-education...whatever is best for each of them!!
Many people wonder about the "socialization". That's the biggest misconception about homeschoolers...that they're weird and don't know how to socialize (okay, so for some this IS true, but it doesn't have to be). There are sssooooo many opportunities for my kids to socialize with other homeschoolers around here (moreso in kanawha/putnam counties than boone at the moment, but still, opportunities nonetheless). There's actually so much stuff to be involved in that it would be easy to become over-extended. lol. I've just been waiting for that magic age of 6 months for Levi to be old enough to take meds (if he were to get sick)...we're almost there and I'm ready to get out more.
So anyhoooo.....all of this is just to give a little insight into why we are choosing this path. We in no way think less of people who choose different paths. We might try to talk you into homeschooling because of how much we love it, lol, but we don't judge. It's not for everyone....and it's not easy....but the rewards are endless!!!
well said kelly. you have such a way with words. and i have to say that the more i learn about home school the more im all for it. like you, i think there is too much filth out there for kids to learn at an early age, or even at an older age, that im happy my babies will not hear about in kindergarten. and again i will say, you're such a great mommy. i love you
I love your "values", even though I enjoy mine attending public school. I still make the time to teach at home in addition, in case he would happen to fall into that "mold" you mention. Ethan is VERY advanced for his age, and I plan to always keep it this way. At the ages our kids are at currently, they're complete "sponges". Anything and everything is absorbed quickly. By working with them closely, you can expand their capabilities. Teaching them doesn't have to be just for the couple hours of your school time. I find Ethan learns best during our family time. It can be as simple as teaching while watching a family movie, during meals (which we almost ALWAYS eat at the dinner table, as most don't do anymore), or something fun for his tub time play. I wish you all the best in your decision to home school. And we're just a phone call away when your kiddos are in need of some social time outside the fam. :) ~Misty B.
I have so much admiration for you Kelly. You are truly a wonderful mother and to home school was something I wish that I could have done. I just did not think I had what it took to teach mine all that they needed. I tried to instill the love of God, good morals, and respect of others in them when we were home together.
You are doing a wonderful job with those children. They are such happy, healthy, and well rounded children. They will reap so many more benefits from being home-schooled than being in the public school system. There is much evil there now, it truly scares me...
And then, after seeing at piece on Dr. Phil about a teacher that was doing some unbelievable things right in the classroom, I am even more convinced that home schooling is what more and more people should do.. I am glad that I won't have to worry about my great-nieces and nephews. They are in the best hands (their parents)who have their best interests at heart..
homeschooling was the easiest decision i ever made, but it's definitely the best. i thought every year would get harder, but it's actually getting easier :)
i meant to say it wasn't the easiest decision.
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